Barbell Bench Press


How to execute Barbell Bench Press

Barbell Bench Press is an essential exercise for strengthening the chest and upper body. Here's how to do it correctly: 

  • Lie down on a bench and grab the barbell with an overhand grip, with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

  • Unrack the barbell and hold it above your chest, with your elbows slightly bent, Lower the barbell to your chest, inhaling as you do so.

  • Push the barbell back up, exhaling as you do so.Repeat the motion until you have completed the desired number of reps.

  • Be sure to keep your back flat against the bench while you do the Barbell Bench Press, and always remember to use a spotter when necessary.

Muscles Involved


Pectoralis major


Anterior deltoid, triceps brachii

Barbell Bench Press

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